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Equine Facilitated Coaching

three horses with heads together

Working with the horses helps people develop self regulation skills, learn self leadership, develop trust, learn non verbal communication and connect with information coming from their nervous system which helps them to recognise what happens the moment before their symptoms appear.

The horses provide a non judgemental learning partner who offers instant feedback. 

No horse experience is required and sessions are effective if you wish to work from a place of observation, with a fence between you and the horses. When and if you are ready, sessions are also available in an enclosed area with an individual horse of the your choice.

It can be hard to explain what happens in a session with the horses as it is often very personal and profound.

In a safe, reflective space horses allow exploration of issues and obstacles, old habits and patterns that may no longer support you. Horses teach you how to connect authentically and to learn to be honest with yourself.

By learning non-verbal communication through working with horses you can uncover what is going on in your subconscious, bringing self-awareness and change. Horses respond to body language and help you understand emotions as messages and to interpret what they mean for you.

Self awareness allows you to find the lost parts of yourself and unite them, allowing you to weave back into your life, possibilities, dreams and purpose.

Horses in the wild
Two horses facing eachother with heads together

Horses demonstrate working through connection, collaboration and cooperation.

Approaching horses allows you to reflect upon how you approach relationships and situations in your life. You learn about connection and boundaries, becoming more mindful and conscious.

In their environment you become guided by the wisdom of nature to reconnect with the real you.

Sessions with the horses are available for in person programmes. 

Come and stay in the beautiful Esk Valley at a local B & B or campsite and experience a two day intensive individual or small group programme. Contact me for more information.

The horses at Horses Show The Way are treated with the respect that any sentient being deserves. They are individuals with their own preferences and needs. Their health and wellness is priority and they are allowed to chose when and if they would like to work with clients along with who they feel to support.

Meet Stan and Liam, two of the team at Horses Show The Way

Emma feeding two horses